Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Here it is, the superfantastic phonebox!

Today is a great day. Our lovely officegirl Jung Mi (please no letters, that's what secretaries are called here) went to LG Twins building and got me a new phone. I really needed one on account of (i) my old one was all in Korean...which was fine because I memorized where to go to do things on it...and (ii) the screen kept going blank because I produce copious amounts of sweat when I inline skate and was dumb enough to be on the phone at the same time. Well, after 4 screens at 60,000 won a pop I decided it's time to get a new one...but I may end up breaking this one too.

It's soooooo cooooool. It has a little camera which I used to take a picture of the box (of course it took me a while to figure out that I couldn't use it to take a pic of the actual phone). I also took a pic of our lovely officegirl...and then inputted her name and number as well...then ordered up caller ID (something I didn't have before, much to my chagrin). Then I asked her to call me to test it out. Her mug showed up on the little screen on the outside of the phone (how cool is that?!?!) and she immediately started panicking and saying, "Change! Change!" haha, Some Korean girls really hate to have pictures taken of them. She did, however, insist that I put the pic on this posting...go figure.

This phone really rocks. I can take pictures, email them or send to other phones, and send and receive normal emails too. Also, it has a language converter so everything is finally in English. It's tiny, the size of a fat businesscard.

Here she is doing the Korean sign for "take my picture".

Here is a coworker of mine with the same pose. Why? Why?