Sunday, September 26, 2004

Choo-seok Trip Part III: Poking Around Geojedo

After all that craziness in Pusan it was good to relax in Geojedo for a bit. On Sunday we had more of Wendy's home-cookin'. Spanish rice (from her parents' home of Puerto Rico) and more monstrous fajitas for me. Mmmmmm. (Should have taken a picture of the things, hope you'll forgive me.)

So, it was off to the famous beaches of Geojedo for a little sightseeing as the sun started to set/we started to get moving at about 4PM. Here are a few pics...somehow Wendy got in a lot of them; guess she's the star of the day.

Beach on Geoje-do.

Wendy enjoys long walks on the beach...

Wendy as a Midget

Rodgers made a friend, too. This guy has a small welding/machining/engineering business on the island and knew a ton of English. He's also one of the few Koreans who likes to come to this sandy beach to swim. Most Koreans prefer pebble beaches (like below) and leave the sandy ones to us.

Rodgers: Whatcha talkin' 'bout Mr. Kim?

So, on the pebble beaches it's good luck to make a rock tower or wall. If it stays up then your wish will come true! I didn't have any mortar with me, but I figure mine's got a pretty good chance. Everyone made towers/walls, but I'm a bit of a egotist (plus, Rodgers' was bigger than mine) so I'll only show you my creation.

My rock tower.

And that's it...we basically took it easy. More to come.