Friday, August 13, 2004

North Korea and Ireland's Connection

Ok, it's not at all scientific. I was just taking a look through my millions of jpegs and such and found these two to be, well, eerily similar.

DPRK's Kim Jong-il and U2's Bono

Is it me? Or does North Korea's (Democratic People's Republic of Korea/DPRK) "Dear Leader" look at least a bit like U2's Bono? Of course they have some pretty different ideas about human rights and the environment but I get the feeling that being in the public eye for so long, the throngs of adoring fans (well, in Kim's case adoring may be a stretch) and accompanying entourage/roadies may have made them both a little distant from work-a-day realities. At least Bono doesn't require visitors to put flowers at the foot of massive statues of his father, though.

Here's an interesting story that's sure to attract an obliquely-worded press release from the North.