Thursday, February 03, 2005

Sometimes I Get Bored

Ok, so this week I'm reading my licensing stuff basically all week. I have to take time out every once in a while to get my head out of the books otherwise I'd go stir crazy. So, I Googled "Burron" and found this page. I always thought Burron was a German name (and still think so, as our family emigrated from East Berlin) but looks like there's a Scandinavian bent to it. I remember my Mom's Dad had these Norwegian vests that resembled this one (but they had more color on them--lots of red to go with the black and white). Intriguing, to say the least (at least for me).

The lovely Nordic Burron Vest.

There's also, I see, a Spanish-language comic about 'The Burron Family"...although it looks like we are Martians or something.

La Familia Burron? There's a Burron comic too?!?!

Then there's La Casa Burron which, again, is in Spanish and looks a little odd. There's even an alternative rock group called La Familia Burron 2099. What is going on?

It's nice to see that someone in my family has made the Dean's list in his law school recently. Way to go Kevin! (Not sure who he is, though.)

So, if you have a few minutes to kill why not Google your name (unless it's Kim or Smith). I'm always amazed at what comes up, you might be too.