Thursday, September 09, 2004

More lifted pics from others' websites.

I must be a are a couple of interesting pics from Ernie French's blog. The dude spent 3 years in Japan and is now in China. Seems to have a few stories and some cool pics, to boot.

Go Capitalism!

Hey, didn't he have 5 kids at the last light?

We've got some perfect weather in Seoul now. Basically your not-too-hot-not-too-cold situation. Great for inlining/rollerblading and I'm at the gym like 2-4 times a week too...oh ya, gonna be lean in no time...well, maybe not no time, but soemtime in the next while.

To commemorate the coming of autumn my officetel management had a great idea to service our air conditioners. They said a time they would be there and if I could open the door for them (unlike many teachers here in Korea, my boss does not have any kind of access to my place). So I dutifully opened the door for them and got back to work. When I returned the a/c was gone! Holy crap! So then I figured out (with the help of our handy officegirl whose English is ok) that they will be putting it (or a replacement one) back after 추석/choo-seok: September 30th. Holy crap again! That's 3 weeks, and this last weekend things were a little warm...waaaaaaaa! Oh well, now that we have cooler temps (and cooler heads) I'm not a fumed. But, you'd think they'd a told me about a 3 week turnaround. The thing was working fine...but I guess they have a schedule to keep or something.