Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The Terminal Patient and Troyisms

Ever see a movie that makes you so exhilerated, so happy to be alive that it's really, really worth the price of admission? Well, I saw The Terminal last night (a freebie, no less, as a friend of mine got free tix) and it was nothing of the sort. I had low expectations going in, which usually means I'll end up liking it, but it hardly even met those depths. (An opposing view here.)

UPDATE: a real-life Terminal Man story here and here.

Basically, the movie is a Breakfast Club without the antics of teen stars to make it cute. It was Cast Away without the sharks (but there was a Mr. Peanut can in place of Wilson). It was like Ishtar without the camels. Like The English Patient without the bandages (I didn't see The English Patient, but I can imagine). The only thing worth seeing was Hanks' slavic accent and if I wanted that I could have watched the Bosom Buddies episode where he pretended to be a Russian model (just jokin', there was no such episode, but you get the picture).

I went into the theatre relatively awake and emerged (literally) stumbling from lack of stimulation and almost fell asleep standing up on the subway. Ya, a real deadzone: but for some reason the Koreans loved it...laughing, cheering, applauding in parts. Unreal. You never know what'll sell here.

I'm sorry ma'am it's The Terminal...(image lifted from Shawn's Korea Life Blog)

On a lighter note, I came across this in my dallyings on the web. It's a list of Troyisms from Troy McClain on the first season of The Apprentice (second one's page is here). I didn't watch but maybe half an episode of it, but these are some exceptional lines: mostly because they remind me of the logic flow here sometimes. Enjoy. (I was going to cut and paste them here, but there's like 160+ of the link is best.)

My favourites (most like Koreans):
14. I have a big pimple on the back of my back, and it really pains me…
20. I am not superstitious and will not admit that I am…
28. I know who he is but I just can’t tell you…
33. You have got to make it known to know…
45. As soon as we can figure out if the free deal is cheaper than the package deal, then we will get married. (...just substitute set for deal and package)
53. Why are you not left yet…
55. Are you guys learnable…
58. I’m neglecting to hear you…
59. I will be off yesterday…
77. Thank you very much for my assistance…
82. You should be fortunate…
98. I expect a propology from you… (...the only refernce I saw on this propology was that is has to do with the study of props in the theatre...weird)
117. You are treading on thin water…
142. I am going to rechange history…
160. You don’t deserve being talked to right now…

Yes, we certainly don't...