Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Mery's Funny Pics

Recently I got an email of support from Mery who lives in Jakarta. She found my blog from my Virtual Tourist page (which I, for some reason, have not updated much over the last few months).


I do enjoy reading your blog until now :)

Anyway, these pictures remind me of your posting quite some time ago about how Korean loves taking pictures!

Keep writing!

Thanks a lot Mery for the pics and your support. Take a look at these Asians doing their thing behind the camera.

Here's a guy perched on an invisible bar stool.

I'm sure this gal has caused a few traffic accidents in her time.

A little booty in this shot.

And as she moves in to the pike position...

He was kung-fu clicking...the tourists were a little bit frightened.

Limbo man!

A rare double-shot of the lean-back and squat-down positions...and a bonus: the Asian stiff-as-a-rod-take-my-picture pose.

Ok, that's enough on that. So, it ends up Mery decided to have her own blog. It's different from mine (meaning it's interesting) and covers a few areas I have no idea about...like Kabbalah (which seems to be some life-force idea that a lot of Hollywood stars, especially Jews it seems, are into).

"Serenity now, insanity later" - Lloyd Braun to George Costanza on his father's anti-stress tactic.

Mery also said that her nephew (in Indonesia) also had a 'choosing ceremony' on his first birthday (just like Koreans have) and that they do it in China as well. They have a similar selection (below):


But he just rolled over them like a freight train and didn't choose any. Not even the photo of F4 (the Taiwan pop group) could sway him. (They added it thinking if he chose it then he'd be a star too.) I guess 1 year old is a little young to make such as weighty decision.

Rollin' rollin' rollin'...

Thanks for all this cool stuff Mery!