Saturday, November 13, 2004

More Ice Creams, More Foreigners...

First the ice cream:

보석바/bo-seok-ba (Jewelry): An older one, hence the 500 won price. The thought of biting into sugar nuggets/gems is a little irking, but tastes good.

맛있구마/mashi-ss-goo-ma (yummy sweet potato): I went right out and bought 3 more! (A little sweet, though.)

러브베리/love berry: got to try this one soon...will update.

UPDATE: Unlike the picture, it is devoid of chunks of strawberries and the strawberry-flavoured shortcake-like wafer is like foam matress material.

On Friday night I went out with Curtis and Bunny (our illustrious translator). Curtis is originally from Chicago but recently moved to Indianapolis (which he considers a small town of 1 million). He's here on contract for a while and was introduced to me by another Virtual Tourist, olddude. (It's getting kinda odd now to say that I know so many people 'from online', especially to relationship-conscious Koreans, but you do what you can.)

We went out for 삼겹살/sam-gyup-sal (3-layer pork) and then to (you know it) The Outsider. One of the original girls just quit (*sob*) so we really appreciated having Bunny along as the English ability at the bar fell dramatically when she left. We weren't able to get him a date with a gal on the first night, as Yusheng did, but apparently he did call one of the lovelies the next day. Way to go Curtis!

Curtis from Indy/Chicago...a pretty cool guy.

On Saturday I was pretty tired. Fell asleep with a window open and almost froze. Went to the doctor again to do more X-rays of the ol' foot (this involved a drive down the road and a long wait. This is different. In Korea they do the X-day developing right then and there and then a specialist takes a look at it and I personally took the X-rays and opinion to the original doctor. I think in Canada we have to do the X-rays, go home and get another appointment with our family doctor then go back again another day. Interesting...and although I had to wait a bit it was nice to get the prognosis within an hour instead of 2-3 days.

Heading home I saw an example of Koreans doing whatever they can to make a buck. Here a guy is selling (in the blowing cold air) 32,000 won (30 USD) heated seatcovers for just 10,000, he looked cold.

Making a buck by selling seat-warmers on the street.

Ok, it's off to Suwon today to the the in-laws and eat a lot. Hope I don't get too pudgy from not exercising (on account of the foot) and still eating. Got to get back in the gym ASAP.