Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Two kids? You've got to be crazy?!?!

Whenever I see a pregnant Korean lady I really feel for her, because I know that within a few months she will have a 3-5 year sentence to complete and utter child-rearing duties. As with most things Korean, mothers go all out...right from before conception to...well, it never stops.

Today I got a taste of that. What a day! My 3-year old (Spencer) woke me up at 9AM (which is early seeing as I still have some jetlag and was up from midnight to 3AM last night). The younger, Winston, was already up, too. My wife and I must have fed these kids like 5-7 times during the day, they just never stop!

Spencer and I went to his swimming class. We get a discount on regular swimming since he's enrolled. The gal behind the counter asked if he was swimming outside of the class as well...I really had no idea what was happening and said, "I'm not sure." She said, in no uncertain terms, that it meant a lot to her whether he was or not. I just said, ok, he is, how much? Let's see $1.30 plus $2.60...$3.90. You've got to be kidding?! You're bent about chun-on? (1,000 won/$1.15)? This would not happen in Seoul. They'd see Spencer and pay HIM to come into there! Anyways, what I did with him in the pool was pretty much what the 'instructor' did as well...but she had 3 kids to handle. I thought he'd be doing lengths or strokes, but I guess not yet.

After swimming I got my wife a Starbucks coffee. She loves the stuff, and apparently can't justify to herself to buy herself one...those selfless Korean women, bless their hearts. After I came home there was shopping to do. I volunteered to go (kudos for me and time to think), then I suggested Spencer come too (thought he'd fall asleep in the car, especially after swimming) then thought we might as well all go (the list she gave me was going to take a couple of people to complete). Well, the kids stayed up the whole time and I started to realize that this parenting thing is a lot harder when the kids are actually in the country with you (I'm usually in Seoul) and it's just you two (her mother and sister were out of town). Good God, these kids didn't sleep until 11PM! Someday they'll make great investment bankers, I mused.

To all those out there who are single parents, or even just parents, get yourself a Starbucks...you may not be able to drink it before it gets cold, but at least you have a piece of luxury in your hand for a few seconds.