Thursday, November 25, 2004

Busy day with the kids.

I feel a little guilty about that last posting...there were no pictures for you! What kind of a nut writes hundreds of words for you dedicated readers? This one, I guess. Well, here I'll make it up to you (as long as you like pure Canadian pics).

Today we went to the local track. It's about 5 minutes from home (as most things are) and I thought it would be a good place for Spencer to get some air. He's been sick lately and although Korean way is to stay home the ol' Canadian way is sometimes to get out in the fresh air (bundled up, mind you) and get things moving again. Well, I have no idea what I'm doing, obviously, because Spencer ended up puking 6-8 times at the track, in the car, in the Korean restaurant where we tried to have lunch and at home...seems a lot of phlem made it down to his stomach and wanted to see the light again. Until then it was a nice, day, though...the first break in the rain since I got here FIVE DAYS AGO!

Spencer! Come back! 빨리와!

Here he comes!

Winston is here too. (Note bluish sky.)

Winston found some worms.

View at the track.

More view from the track.

Afterward I got the usual list of things to do/buy/cook. One of which was banking. I was sick and tired of driving around (was trying to find gas cheaper than 0.849 CAD, but couldn't) but still managed to make it to this drive-thru banking thingy. This is the second time I've used one. I'm not really impressed, but it beat walking the 5 metres to the branch or using a teller.

One of the conveniences of Canada/U.S.: drive-thru banking. Had to get out to use the thing, though.

This is one thing that struck me about Korea: they love to give gifts and stuff but there are hardly any greeting card stores. (Is it just me? Or are there some tucked away somewhere?) This pic is from an aisle in Shopper's Drug Mart...look at all these cards!

So many cards here...and it's not even a Hallmark store!

Also little seen in Korea are duelies (trucks with 4 wheels on the back axle) and these Toyota 'Yee-ha' trucks, as I call them.

Something you just don't see in Korea: A yee-ha truck lifted with big mudders and no rear bumper (everything but the gun-rack).

When I stopped for gas this store freaked me out a bit. It's a Nevada Bob's golf shop but there is this guy...

Is that a guy over there?

...painted on the wall. With him behind the car you can't see that his image ends at his torso. I thought some Santa dude was watching me from across the parking lot until I focused on it.

Here if you want to see animals you have to go to a pet Korea you can just as well go to a restaurant.

Kate's favourite view...the mountains as we near home.

Ah, almost home...

Our little complex's road...quaint, ain't it?

Back home Spencer got some spring back in his step. I roll the hula-hoop to him with some major back-spin on it so it comes back to me...then he runs after it. Pretty fun and involves little effort on my part (I like that).

Spencer finally gets the hula-hoop.

Winston and my hard-won Suwon Samsung F.C. ball from The Outsider.

Winston strikes a pose for the camera.

Tonight I made it to the gym again (one in our's not super, but it'll do). Got to watch The Apprentice, that was nice. Got to get this weight off that I accumulated while laid up with this bum foot I had a while back and from getting here (food on the plane isn't too good, I think, and jetlag screws with my appetite a fair bit). Walking home I noticed the stars in the sky and thought that I rarely saw them in Seoul...but then with all the rain we've had here I haven't exactly seen them nightly here either.

What time is it? 2AM! Holy crap, better get to bed. Kids will wake up at 7AM so got to rest up for that. First though, let me explain the opening of presents a few days ago. Those were Christmas presents, but on account of they were on a cruise my Ma and Pa didn't know that I'm back from Seoul for good...and we planned on having Christmas with them that night rather than later or separately on the actual day. So, we saved some of them for another opening nearer the Big Day. Man, these boys get all the breaks!

Last shot of the day...fitting, isn't it?