Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Walk Through Yeouido Park

One thing I like about Seoul, and Yeouido in particular, is walking around in the middle of the day when the weather's nice. There is always something happening here. Today on my way back from lunch there was a stupendous protest (again) in Yeouido Park and the usual masses of elementary-school kids walking hand-in-hand, occasionally stopping for a 김밥/gimbab (rice and such wrapped in seaweed) break. Ah, these are the days.

Kids backpacks all in a row in Yeouido Park.

After the park I spied the Belt Man. He's similar to the Tie Guy I often see as well--his store is in his truck. This guy has a ton of belts, wallets and suspenders (but mostly belts). If you have a style in mind this guy has it. I got 3 today: 1 casual, 1 dress (Valentino knock-off) and one Western/yee-ha-Cowboy style for my father-in-law.

Yeouido's belt man...look at his wide selection of waist-wrappers!

I looked at this one but decided against it for some reason.

Um, Mr. Belt might want to proof this. I'm assuming you mean Dark Horse, not Hores.

Ok, back to work!