Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Last Night

Ug. Last night went out with my bud from a few years back, Roger. Met him when we were both at Equinox Financial together (just before my stint in Korea). Pretty cool guy: he's got an Audi S4 and can hold his liqueur (something that I seem to have lost since my time in the Hermit Kingdom). Anyways, it was a night out at the pubs. We hit the Frog and Nightgown Pub first, then stopped by the St. James Pub (my idea, it sucked, though: no pool table), then the Golden Spike Pub. Ya, all pubs. After that we went to Shinjuku (Japanese restaurant where, as usual, all the staff are Korean) and I had some lovely Zarusoba. I basically crashed when I got back home, then woke up at 4AM, checked email, had a shower, went back to sleep til 7AM, got on the train and then had a meeting downtown. All in all a pretty busy 24 hours, I guess.

My sis-in-law got a new job at Grant Thornton. She's an accountant, and seems pretty stoked with the massive increase in her pay for what should be the same work. It also means she needs to buy a car as there is not good public transit to the office for her, but that gives her another thrill (oooh, I get to buy a car! she says).

Hmmm...not much tonight. I've been adding to my VT pages again. Soon will put some up for Vancouver as well...I may be here a while, it seems.