Tuesday, April 05, 2005

New Free Daily Paper

Today a new free daily came out: Dose. It follows on the heels of already-reported Metro and 24 Hours (which is owned by Jimmy Pattison, BC’s favorite billionaire son). Dose is a little aggressive. It looks fine—good graphics, nice type—but the demographic is 18-34 year-olds (as you may know, I’m at the tippity-top of that range). For example, the advice column had a question of how to introduce having a threesome to you wife. C’mon…how about something we can use, people, like: how to unclog a drain or read a bank statement. Oh well, maybe I’m just getting old.

It’s funny, you know. I’ve been meeting with all of the brokers in the office (almost all of them now) and the response has been pretty good. Most are indifferent at first, some are interested and others, like the big-shooter I met yesterday, say things like, “Oh, all my guys are traders, and I’m really busy now—so insurance and that kind of stuff is not all that interesting.” But, once I start talking about trusts (and their relevant benefits and uses for them and their clients) or something they (especially this guy) open up. This gent asked me about what to do about his homeowner coverage—so I took his (complicated) situation to a gal I know in the business. Got him his answer in about 10 minutes…he liked that. No money in it for me, but glad to help. His parting comment: “Keep coming back to me with stuff…keep me in the loop.” You bet; that’s a pretty good start from a guy who said there was nothing I could do with him and his clients.

So, not only was my sis-in-law cooking last week, but my wife as well. She made a (surprisingly) tasty stew and I had that lor lunch a few days last week. (I’ve also started packing a lunch so I can spend more time in the office with the guys…although I will take time out a few times a week for a bite also.) It was surprising because (i) she hardly ever cooks (when we got married I was the one in the kitchen, and then when the kids came her Mom did a lot for us—and when she did get in front of a stove it was mostly to make the boys’food, not mine) and (ii) when she has tried sometimes the results have been sub-par. I’m not sure what happened in the last little while that got her in the kitchen, but I’m all for the results.

Ok, time to get at it. Later.