Friday, April 08, 2005

Rich Meal with A Rich Guy

End of a long week. As you’ve been reading, it’s been a pretty busy last few days. Lunch today was with a gent I knew from a few years back—he’s got a financial firm and is looking for Koreans to fill a few slots. It was a great lunch and I think I can help him on a few fronts—which is cool. You never know when someone you give a hand to (or at least don’t piss off) will end up extending a favor to you (sometimes when you least expect it)—and especially in this industry, which is really small when I come to think about it. People that I know in Korea, the U.K. and wherever all seem to come together at some point or another and I really don’t mind (actually I like) being there to add value in some way.

So, this lunch was not what I usually have. It was a sit-down waiter-style one. Usually, lately, I’ll have it at my desk or go to a fast food joint. It was nice to use silverware again. After that a white chocolate mocha almost put me over the edge. I was stuffed already and the super-sweet concoction was a little rich—but I pulled through: what a trooper, eh?

Things are coming together more at the office. More guys are positive on my role and asking questions. Some of the biggest interest is from guys who had initially rebuffed my initial introductions. Whatever works, I always say. As long as there is interest and I can help them (and their clients) out in a meaningful way I know we can make a go of it here in a big way. It’s an interesting market, and firm, to be in at this time.