Monday, November 01, 2004

A Bunch of Pictures

Here's smattering of pics I took recently with the ol' cameraphone.

This is my crosswalk to my goes across about 10-12 lanes of traffic. I used to wait meekly before crossing, now I hardly break stride: they always stop (except buses).

My walk to the gym.

Another day, another protest. Nothing violent, but they always bring out the coppers...this one has about 15 buses of riot police attending in case the students and old people shout too loudly.

Ah...the riot buses (all 30 of them) look so peaceful in the sunset.

Korean food, it's sooo healthy..right. How about this: take a corndog and embed french fries in it then slather it with mayo and/or ketchup. Mmmm...mmmmm...(grasping chest, gasping)....good.

How about some more fat with that, um, fat.

An interesting place I happened across in Nowon. (No, I did not go in, is that's what you're thinking...but I did think about it.)

Sexy Shocking Bar...wonder what goes on in here...

Korea has TONS of good and cheap ice cream flavors. Some of them taste like crap (at least at first, it's amazing what you get accustomed to here) but many area super good. Max price is 0.80USD, but usually 0.40USD.

En-cho, the best ice cream I've ever had (especially at 500 won/0.43 USD a pop).

The invasion of the Canucks: many bars now carry and promote Molson Canadian now. Is there another Canadian beer? Apparently not.

Molson Canadian...premium beer?!?

And the wave continues in, what the heck!??!

Nornen Canadian......premium socks??