Thursday, October 28, 2004

Yusheng's Last Night in Seoul

Last night we headed out to 63 Building to get a view of the city. I find I either bring guests here on their first day or last day in Seoul. It's really a nice view. After a beer we got pretty hungry so it was off in a cab to Sinchon for some 산낙지/san-nak-ji (live octopus). My usual place changed owners and menu (now it serves some sort of cow intestine dish...kind of a Korean haggis, I guess) but a substitute was nearby so we went there.

We asked the lady to get us an active octopus (they cut it up and serve it wriggiling on a plate) but she said that the active ones are not that good...they are scared so they move around a lot. The sleepy ones in the corner are better because they are used to their surroundings (and darker in color). Whatever, she could have told us anything and we would have bought it. We also had some octopus fried mandu (dumplings) which were REALLY good. Yoosh's not a big octopus fan, but it was interesting for him...although not super. Oh well, another one for his list of things he's done/eaten.

This feisty one was not on the menu.

Next we went for 서피동파/seo-pi-dong-pa, a sort orf fusion pizza and pajeon. This he liked more. Then it was off to The Outsider to thank the owner for the (basically full) bottle of Jack Daniel's he comped us on Friday. We hoped to make it out of there relatively intact, but he went and comped us some food and they made up 'James Dr. Peppers' as well (recipe is 1/2 pint beer, 1/2 pint cola and amaretto shot 'bomb'). Yikes. So the last night was much like the The Outsider and having a good time.

This morning I walked Yoosh to the bus stop and that was about it. Who knows where/when we'll meet again: New York; Shanghai; Seoul; Vancouver; London?

I think he's happy in this pic...maybe he's fighting back tears.