Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Sean's Info on Envelopes

Sean, an avid reader and commenter on my little blog (at least until I changed to Haloscan and lost lots of comments, sorry man) had this to say about my Virtual Tourist tip on giving envelopes in Korea for weddings and funerals:

The left envelope says '祝結婚 (축결혼)'
祝(축) = congratulations / 結婚(결혼) = wedding or marriage

And the right one says '賻儀(부의)'
賻儀(부의) = goods or gifts to aid in funeral

I believe the best way not to pick up a wrong envelope is asking the seller or just choose a plain white one. For more infomation about this custom, check out the following address here.

Your VT posts (along your blog) are quite interesting and educational even to Koreans. Keep on your good job! :-))

3 characters = wedding; 2 characters = funeral.

Thanks a lot Sean...you da man!