Saturday, November 27, 2004

Spencer Takes to Golf and Minaz Gets a Korean Groove!

Today was like many others lately...devoid of drinking and clubbing (waaaaaaaaa!). At this time last week I was out-and-about...but not now. The closest I get to Seoul is (i) my family and (ii) watching the multicultural channel to see Korea (KBS and YTN) news.

But, it's not without its fun times. After lunch Spencer tried his hand at livingroom golf (he calls it hockey, a la Happy Gilmore)--but he used my Outsider soccer ball as a golf ball...good imagination, eh?

Here is Winston eating lunch.

Spencer comes down for a swing.

Spencer's backswing. Fore!

Before dinner I spent some time with Spencer as Kate and Winston had a nap. Don't tell her, but I gave him some strawberry ice cream with strawberry sauce and banana in it. What?!!? You are Kate? Well, don't read that last line or look at this picture, k?

Ice cream and strawberry sauce...mmmmm.

A litte dessert after dinner (shared with Kate too...).

Right now Minaz (he kinda reminds me of Lex Luthor of Smallville in this pic; read the name of this group "Al Gore-ism???") is off to Las Vegas for a few days of debauchery (much like he had in Seoul, I imagine...links here and here and here, among others). Before he left he broke some news...he met a Korean gal last weekend. She moved here when she was 19--I'm assuming she's over 19 now, as Minaz is like 30 or something--so she should be more like a Korean gal than a Western one. 아가씨!/aga-sshi! (girl!) This is a guy who said (before and during his visit to Seoul) that he's not all that interested in Asian gals...more into Latinas. Well, rules are meant to be broken, I guess. You da man, Minaz! (Just make sure you know what you're getting yourself into...Korean gals appear 'submissive' but, especially after marriage, you're the one in a skirt/apron/dishgloves!)

The end of the day (finally), reading to the boys.